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November 18, 2009

Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:08 p.m. via conference call.

Participants: Joe Sheare, John Foulkes, Mike Bufano, Tom Bell, and Igor Conev (Mann Properties).

Board Members Absent: James McDonald, Louis Napoli, Bob Siskind.

1. Reading and Approval of the Draft CDS Board Meeting Minutes of 10-14-09. A motion to approve the draft minutes was made by Tom Bell and seconded by John Foulkes. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Financial Review:

a. Review of the Financials. Igor Conev (Mann Properties) and Mike Bufano reviewed the financials listed below.

i. Checking $ 25,906
ii. CD $ 0
iii. Savings $ 0
iv. Accounts Receivable
a. Condo Fees- $ 7,160
b. Special Assessment $ 7,732
v. Loan Payable $ 25,000

Igor Conev noted that the figure shown for the Special Assessment, which accounts for the front-side renovation project over-budget item of $900 per unit, does not account for those who have paid $450 on October 1 (with the remainder due January 1, 2010). Mike Bufano noted that there are 2 unit owners in arrears of the October 1 payment, and he will make a personal call to the owners prior to sending formal letters, if necessary.
Mike Bufano made a motion to pay down the Loan Payable by another $15,000; the motion was seconded by Joe Sheare, and passed unanimously.

b. Discussion of draft budget for 2010. Typically, the association budget for the forthcoming year is approved by the Board in December of the current year. Budget approval for 2010 will thus be done at the December Board meeting. Joe Sheare indicated that a category for Capital Reserve needs to be added to the budget in order to be compliant with the recommendation made in the auditor’s report last year.


a. Front Side Renovation Update.

i. Finishing Work on the Front-Side Renovation Project by C/W Builders. Joe reported to the Board that Walt Smelter has completed all of the items on the “punch” list; however Tom Bell recommended that another walkthrough be conducted. This will be conducted Saturday, November 21, by Joe and John. Also, Tom Bell asked if the “punch” list included caulking around the front doors. Joe indicated that he will speak to Walt about this.

ii. Insurance Payment for Discovery/Treatment of Termite Infestation of Building 770. Igor Conev (Mann Properties) reported that he supplied all required documentation to the insurance company representing Advanced Pest Management (APM), with the desire that the insurance company cover all of the cost incurred in removing the infestation. Igor indicated that he expects to hear something in a few weeks. Also, Igor indicated that contract renewal with APM is in February, and Mike Bufano recommended that we get a competing bid. Igor agreed to solicit a second bid.

b. Small Front-Side First Floor Window. Joe reported that as of the date of this Board meeting, 15 unit owners have requested the paint kits for the small front–side window frame, with some requesting a spring delivery of the kits. Joe wants to make it clear to all unit owners that there is no time limit on this request; that is, paint kits will be made available throughout next spring and summer for those unit owners who desire them

c. Mann Properties Management Contract Renewal and New Management Fee.
Discussion ensued regarding the Board meeting with Mann Properties to review the new management contract. Igor Conev was asked to get some dates from Buck Mann for a meeting. (Subsequent to the meeting, Buck replied directly to the Board members via email that he will be available for such a meeting on either November 27 or December 12.)


a. Critical Maintenance Projects - Update.

i. Parking Lot Repair and Resealing. The Board received bids from 3 companies for work to patch the cracks in the 3 parking lots, seal over the asphalt, and repaint the parking space lines. The amounts in the bids ranged from $4,864 to $7,550. The Board agreed to include a line in the draft 2010 budget for $8,000 to cover this improvement, noting that any excess can be added to the capital improvement fund. A commitment to accept one of the offerors’ bids should be made next month. After some additional discussion, several of the Board members recommended that more research be done on product quality.

ii. Front Piling Supports. The Board received an estimate of $800 from MAD Engineering to conduct a study to determine the need for repair or improvement of the front piling supports. Mike Bufano made a motion to proceed with the MAD Engineering study and budget for the $800 in the draft 2010 budget, seconded by John Foulkes. The motion passed unanimously.

iii. Permanent Solution to Carport Ceilings. Bids were received by the Board from 4 companies for a total of 9 different options for improving the carport ceilings. The options included aluminum, vinyl, and Versatex (a synthetic wood) materials. Joe asked why couldn’t we use drywall-only and cover with a good exterior paint. Joe agreed to research this option, and confer with Gene Miese and Bob Siskind regarding the durability of a drywall-only construction. It was agreed that regardless of the option, a long-term phased-in approach for budgeting is required.

b. Storm Damage. Last week, the nor’easter brought high winds and tides to the Ocean City area. Joe reported that damage to the condominium property was slight, with some minor damage to the canal-side gutter on the 700-building. Joe reported that Walt Smelter has already made repairs.

c. Capital Improvement Accounting. Tom Bell recommended that as the Board determines ways to build a Capital Improvement Fund, if increases are proposed to raise the regular condominium dues to start the fund, that separate coupons be used, clearly marked as Capital Improvement, to account for the excess to be used in building the fund. That way, owners will be able to better track their tax bases in the property to be used for tax purposes when the owner sells his/her unit. Mike Bufano suggested that the Board consider starting this for the April payment.


a. Resolution of issue regarding old carpet piled up near the trash bins on the west side of Building 600. Igor Conev (Mann Properties) reported that the old carpeting was picked up by the city, and that the owner was charged for the pickup.

b. Incident involving a unit owner and a work vehicle blocking her car. The unit owner affected by this will be filing a police report.

c. Discussion on the parking of non-automobiles/commercial trucks on CDS property.
Tom Bell raised this issue, and agreed to research the by-laws for any appropriate language. (Subsequent to this meeting, Tom identified the appropriate section in the by-laws. It is shown below.)

9. Any consent or approval given under these Rules and Regulations may be added to, amended or repealed at any time by resolution of the Board of Directors.
10. All trash, refuse and garbage shall be deposited in suitable containers and such containers shall be placed in the areas as Management may direct.
11. All vehicles belonging to an Owner, or to a member of an Owner's family or guest, tenant, or employees of an Owner shall be parked in the spaces provided, and no such vehicle shall he parked in such a manner as to impede or prevent ready access to any other parking space. The parking of trucks, commercial vehicles, boats and trailers, and campers is prohibited without the written permission of the Council of Unit Owners or its Management Agent. The Council assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the loss or damage to any automobile or vehicle while parked on the premises. The repairing of cars or other vehicles on the premises is prohibited. The storing of any junk automobiles or vehicles of whatever nature shall be strictly prohibited, and automobiles without current license tags shall be considered junk storage. Any such vehicle stored or placed on the premises for a period exceeding forty-eight (48) hours shall be towed away at Owner's expense without prior notice to the Owner and with no liability on the part of the Council or its Management Agent.

6. ADJOURNMENT was at 9:23 pm.

7. NEXT CDS BOD MEETING – Tuesday, December 15, 2009, at 8:00pm by teleconference.